Monday 4 May 2020


What's it like to be in lockdown in Thailand? Reader Angel tells us what life is like for her right now...

Angel says:
When we first heard about the coronavirus outbreak here in Thailand, I didn’t take it too seriously because almost everything was continuing normally. But when the schools closed and the closure started getting longer and longer, I got anxious about where this was going. Now that we are all doing online classes, it’s harder to learn because some things just have to be taught by a teacher in front of you in an actual classroom rather than a virtual one. But everything has its own pros and cons.

And the plus points to this situation are that the lockdown is helping mother nature a lot. Since people don’t travel as much now, it is saving so many natural resources and its also helping the Earth in other ways. On the negative side, some things are just harder  and people are losing jobs and that’s definitely not good. When I think about those people, I realize that being bored is probably the smallest problem here. But there are also things to keep us occupied like reading, crafts, drawing, watching stuff, or even what I’m doing right now - writing a blog for Cathy Cassidy! Sometimes things might be hard but you have to keep trying!

I feel like I’m going to be really out of touch with a lot of stuff after quarantine ends and I probably would have gained a few pounds. In our building, where I live, they take our temperature before going in, there are hand sanitizers at a lot of places and even plastic over the elevator buttons which they change hourly. We should respect everyone who is trying so hard to keep us safe and especially hospital workers and social workers who are risking their lives to keep us safe. So be aware, don’t leave your house and stay safe! All of this will be okay soon!

Pic: the view from Angel's window!

Cathy says:
Lockdown is hard for all of us, but as Angel says, boredom is the least of our problems... things may well be very different on the other side of all this. What would YOU like to change once the lockdown is lifted? COMMENT BELOW to tell us, or to say hello to Angel!


  1. I'm half Thai, and I love what Angel has wrote about life in lockdown in Thailand. I also love all these kids from different countries gathering together in Cathy's Dreamcatcher to tell us all about their lives in lockdown! I'm sure we can all get through it if we work together and stay positive!

  2. So fascinating reading what it's like in other countries! Very important message!

  3. This is really interesting! I am missing school SO MUCH! I don't think I ever thought I'd say that :P <3



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