Regular blogger Laura has some tips to help us stay mindful in the most stressful of times... take a look at her suggestions!
Laura says:
Everyone is talking about mindfulness these days. What is it? I suppose it is a kind of meditation without sitting cross-legged and listening to wind chime music! It is about staying ‘in the moment’ and living your life to the full, feeling connected and sometimes letting your mind go blank. It can help us stay serene and calm when the world around us is going crazy, so why not give it a try?
- Smile!
Smiling is the number one way to make yourself feel better. Let your muscles relax and chase the frown away, take some deep breaths and smile. You’ll feel the stress levels dropping and notice that others are smiling back!
- Sole survivors!
Take your shoes and socks off and reconnect to the earth beneath your feet. (Best on a warm day and on tidy grass!) Be aware of the texture of the grass - or the carpet, or the floorboards! Stand still and imagine your feet sending roots down into the earth!
- Learn something new!
Try learning a new language, bake some biscuits, learn to salsa or knit... it’s a great experience to go back to being a beginner again. You open yourself up to the lessons, and get fully absorbed in what you’re doing too. And at the end of it you’ll have a new hobby!
- Touching time!
Let your fingers notice the textures of your clothes, of the carpet, the work surfaces, the floor. Is it warm? Cold? Soft? Rough? Stop every now and then to really notice these things!
- Hot chocolate mindfulness!
My favourite one! Make yourself a hot chocolate and make a ceremony out of it, like the Japanese do with tea. Choose the right cup, boil the kettle, add the hot chocolate, stir in sugar or honey or spices if required or maybe add squirty cream. Don’t let anything distract you. Then sit down quietly and enjoy drinking it... notice the taste and the sensations. Mmm!
Mindfulness is switching on to noticing the world around you, and finding little moments of calm in it. We could all do with some of that!
Cathy says:
Brilliant piece, Laura! I practice mindfulness and it really helps with day-to-day stresses. Have YOU tried mindfulness before? Let us know what you think in the COMMENTS SECTION.
Laura says:

- Smile!
Smiling is the number one way to make yourself feel better. Let your muscles relax and chase the frown away, take some deep breaths and smile. You’ll feel the stress levels dropping and notice that others are smiling back!
- Sole survivors!
Take your shoes and socks off and reconnect to the earth beneath your feet. (Best on a warm day and on tidy grass!) Be aware of the texture of the grass - or the carpet, or the floorboards! Stand still and imagine your feet sending roots down into the earth!
- Learn something new!
Try learning a new language, bake some biscuits, learn to salsa or knit... it’s a great experience to go back to being a beginner again. You open yourself up to the lessons, and get fully absorbed in what you’re doing too. And at the end of it you’ll have a new hobby!
- Touching time!
Let your fingers notice the textures of your clothes, of the carpet, the work surfaces, the floor. Is it warm? Cold? Soft? Rough? Stop every now and then to really notice these things!
- Hot chocolate mindfulness!
My favourite one! Make yourself a hot chocolate and make a ceremony out of it, like the Japanese do with tea. Choose the right cup, boil the kettle, add the hot chocolate, stir in sugar or honey or spices if required or maybe add squirty cream. Don’t let anything distract you. Then sit down quietly and enjoy drinking it... notice the taste and the sensations. Mmm!
Mindfulness is switching on to noticing the world around you, and finding little moments of calm in it. We could all do with some of that!
Cathy says:
Brilliant piece, Laura! I practice mindfulness and it really helps with day-to-day stresses. Have YOU tried mindfulness before? Let us know what you think in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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