Wednesday, 22 April 2020


Young Carer Adele talks about the extra pressures she and others like her face during the Coronavirus Lockdown... and she has some good advice for all of us.

Adele says:
Our parents are everything to us as we grow up. They give us every ounce of love they have and raise us to be the best we can be. When they become ill, we want to fix them so badly but all we can do is look after them and give them every ounce of that love back. I care for my parents, my Mum more recently but my Dad also, since I was just two. My Mum has Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, just like me, and my Dad has a brain injury and Intracranial Hypertension.

Right now, the world is in a state of fear. For Young Carers, there is a lot of responsibility because it’s not just themselves they need to protect and there will still be the usual caring role to carry on with. Even though I’m a young adult carer now, I still understand the feelings that younger carers have. I remember being at school, impatiently waiting to get home but also being thankful for the break. Now, I stay at home to get my degree through the Open University but even at home, I worry and when I go out, I sometimes feel thankful for the peace.

Going out is no longer an option. Now, everyone is at home and everyone is worrying. However, if you’re a Young Carer, you may be quite anxious so it’s extra important to take time for yourself. You could take time out to read your favourite books, have a bubble bath or phone family and friends. You can’t pour from an empty cup so make sure you look after yourself too. Most of all, focus on the here and now and try to enjoy this special time at home with your loved ones.

 Always remember, just like the people we care for, Young Carers are amazing warriors.

Cathy says:
Thank you for the thought-provoking post, Adele! Most of us know people who are coping with the lockdown in much harder situations than we are ourselves... like Adele, perhaps they are caring for others, or struggling with other issues on top of the stress of quarantine. What can we do to help those people stay connected? COMMENT BELOW to have YOUR say...


  1. Hi Adele, my nephew's are carers for my suster who has MS. Stay connected to the people closest to you outside your immediate family & keep in touch with friends. The OU is a great way to learn and be in touch with the outside world so well done you for taking that on. Just remember to care for yoyrself too. Best wishes & stay safe. Bev x

  2. You are a truly amazing woman Adele <3



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