Our guide on how to host the spookiest, scariest sleepover for you and your friends!!
Dress up and give each other terrifying make-overs... why not try out some gory special effects make-up, a splash of fake blood and some fangs? There are lots of tips for costume and make-up in CC book CHOCOLATE BOX SECRETS.
While you are transforming yourselves into ghosts and ghouls and zombies, why not tell each other your fave ghost stories! Grab a torch, turn out the lights and spook 'em out!
PSYCHO - This psychological thriller will really spook you out, Hitchcock's brilliant cult classic is a MUST! Just be careful next time you're having a shower... I will say no more...
THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS - One of Tim Burton's finest films, full of skeletal twists and turns and magnificent stop-motion graphics. A genuinely wholesome watch!
JAWS - You may laugh but these graphics were state of the art back in its day!! This may be a light-hearted choice, one that seems scary but will have you giggling!
THE ADDAMS FAMILY - Another cult classic, this well-loved film will make you giggle and scream!
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE - A new film, based on an old book, this one is available on Netflix! All the terror without the gore, it plays subtle mind tricks on you until you can't bear it anymore ... just don't bother trying to sleep!
Wink-wink-murder is a CLASSIC! You all sit in a circle and the designated 'murderer' will subtly wink at other players, rendering them dead (that's their cue to dramatically fall to their death or elaborately collapse.) The aim of the game is for the murderer to kill as many people without being caught!!
Bobbing for apples is another favourite.. it's very simple and fun! Simply fill a few bowls with water and float several apples in them... the winner is the person who manages to get all of the apples out of their bowl using only their mouths!
Murder in the dark. Choose your killer, turn out the lights and then start roaming around... if the murderer comes across you in the dark, they will tap you on the shoulder thus killing you (again, your cue to scream and dramatically die on the floor!) If you come across someone who has been killed you should scream "MURDER IN THE DARK!"
What would Halloween be without a good old pumpkin carving competition?? Please ask an adult to supervise before you go using knives and everything but this is a great time to show off your creative skills!! The best carving could get a special, spooky prize!
Cathy says:
Eek!! Hope your Halloween is extra brilliant! What are YOUR Halloween tips and traditions? COMMENT BELOW to reveal all!

While you are transforming yourselves into ghosts and ghouls and zombies, why not tell each other your fave ghost stories! Grab a torch, turn out the lights and spook 'em out!
PSYCHO - This psychological thriller will really spook you out, Hitchcock's brilliant cult classic is a MUST! Just be careful next time you're having a shower... I will say no more...
THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS - One of Tim Burton's finest films, full of skeletal twists and turns and magnificent stop-motion graphics. A genuinely wholesome watch!
JAWS - You may laugh but these graphics were state of the art back in its day!! This may be a light-hearted choice, one that seems scary but will have you giggling!
THE ADDAMS FAMILY - Another cult classic, this well-loved film will make you giggle and scream!
THE HAUNTING OF HILL HOUSE - A new film, based on an old book, this one is available on Netflix! All the terror without the gore, it plays subtle mind tricks on you until you can't bear it anymore ... just don't bother trying to sleep!

Wink-wink-murder is a CLASSIC! You all sit in a circle and the designated 'murderer' will subtly wink at other players, rendering them dead (that's their cue to dramatically fall to their death or elaborately collapse.) The aim of the game is for the murderer to kill as many people without being caught!!
Bobbing for apples is another favourite.. it's very simple and fun! Simply fill a few bowls with water and float several apples in them... the winner is the person who manages to get all of the apples out of their bowl using only their mouths!
Murder in the dark. Choose your killer, turn out the lights and then start roaming around... if the murderer comes across you in the dark, they will tap you on the shoulder thus killing you (again, your cue to scream and dramatically die on the floor!) If you come across someone who has been killed you should scream "MURDER IN THE DARK!"
What would Halloween be without a good old pumpkin carving competition?? Please ask an adult to supervise before you go using knives and everything but this is a great time to show off your creative skills!! The best carving could get a special, spooky prize!
Cathy says:
Eek!! Hope your Halloween is extra brilliant! What are YOUR Halloween tips and traditions? COMMENT BELOW to reveal all!
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