Monday 8 May 2017


Skye Tanberry has been consulting the stars again to see what the month of May has in store for you... read your horoscope and see if the future is looking rosy!

TAURUS (Apr 20 - May 20)
May could be a long and tricky month unless you swallow your pride and make the first move to patch up a minor row... because unless you do, minor could become major! Let go of the moral high ground and remember why friends and family matter... and reach out with that olive branch.

GEMINI (May 21 - June 20)
You're full of good ideas just now, and if you can combine that creativity with good planning you could be in a position to make the most of it all. Apply this creative energy to school/ study too... it could pay off in the long run. A friend's happiness is hanging in the balance this month - can YOU be the one to support and encourage her?

CANCER (June 21 - July 22)
There may be a few bumps in the road this month, but if you stay focused and steer a steady path, you'll avoid the danger spots. Although not everything is going your way, with a positive attitude you will get the very best out of life and friends will be drawn to you. Can't be bad! Stay organised and your studies should keep ticking over nicely too.

LEO (July 23 - Aug 22)
Friendship, study, romance and life plans are all running according to plan at last, which is great - but sometimes just a tiny bit dull. Look out for the good things in every day and you'll find yourself spotting new opportunities and openings - just the thing to liven things up!

VIRGO ( Aug 23 - Sept 22)
There's a danger you may be feeling blue this month, but this will pass, so refuse to let it derail you. Friendships are well starred and there's a chance you'll find yourself so much in demand you can't quite keep up! Enjoy the fun - and keep an eye out for an unexpected love interest, too!

LIBRA (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
You've had a few dilemmas recently, and although things are pretty much sorted you are still feeling confused and undecided. Shrug off the tension and the anxiety about getting things wrong - an uncomplicated, positive attitude will attract more fun and success into your life. Study is taking up a LOT of your time just now, but the hard work will be rewarded.

SCORPIO (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
You're in a bit of a rose-tinted haze right now - long may it last! Your ability to see the best in people and find fun in the least obvious places is infectious... soon, you may find yourself the centre of an extra cool, supportive and fun-loving group of friends. Value them and they'll stick with you!

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
You have a stubborn streak at times, and this may be one of them! Family or friends are trying to push you in a certain direction, and you're digging your heels in... but something's got to give! Try to step back and see the situation clearly so you can make any decisions carefully, especially where school/ college/ work is concerned - this could affect your future!

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
You're feeling shy, but any attempts to build up your self esteem and confidence will pay off now - a new friend could take you in some very exciting directions if you just come out of your shell enough to give things a chance. Don't let anxieties cloud your judgement... this could be a brand new start!

AQUARIUS (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
If you've been daydreaming about a long-lost crush - or even a past friendship - beware. Sometimes, things finish for a reason, a raking up the past just means you have to handle all those awkward issues and problems all over again. Let go of the dreams and allow yourself to move forward - that's where the fun lies, promise!

PISCES (Feb 19 - Mar 20)
Drop the drama queen tendencies and resist the temptation to over-react this month. Your emotions are very close to the surface, but blowing things out of proportion will complicate life and cause trouble where there's just no need. Deep breaths and stay calm! Attention to study and a little hard work will pay off big time.

ARIES (Mar 21 - Apr 19)
Your friends may be driving you a little crazy right now... minor squabbles and indecisions are all around. Take the initiative and keep things rolling - your friends will thank you for it, and it could open up new opportunities and experiences too. School may be stressful - but you can handle it!

Cathy says:
Do YOUR stars ring true for May? Or are they way off this time? COMMENT BELOW to have your say!


  1. Hello Cathy, I just thought I'd let you know that I have e-mailed you to ask about writing another blog post for Dreamcatcher. I hope that I have used the right email address (I used the same one as I have used previously). Please let me know if you haven't received an e-mail (the subject of the e-mail is called 'Blog Post For Dreamcathcher: Adapting Your Blog to Make You Happy').

  2. I'm Libra, and this is really true. I've got a lot of problems and really worried right now

  3. i'm Libra and the horoscope is almost true... hope to get the best out of it

  4. Hey��
    I'm Leo and I was so surprised at how right it is!
    I'm looking for romance but I'm in 6th grade so, not likely❤️
    I soooooooo love your books Cathy and I just (like 2min ago) finished looking glass girl. I looooovvvvvveeeeee it ��������

  5. OMG! Mine is, like, totally me. I'm a Taurus and I think I have, like, loads of probs but I'm sure I can figure them out when I spend more time with my friends!

  6. Hey Cathy how come you're not posting as often? Is everything OK? This blog is my life!

    1. Thanks for checking up on me Anon, it's nice to be missed! I was a bit snowed under for a while and took a break from DREAMCATCHER, but normal service is now resumed, promise! (((xxx)))



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