Reader Amy tells us what it's like to be chosen to be Head Girl of your school...
Amy says:
Back in Year Seven, I had no clue that one day I might be Head Girl. I was quite shy at that point, but I settled into secondary school quite well, even though I was the only person from my primary to go to that school. It was scary to start with, but there were lots of girls in the same situation as me. I had a few problems with friendships in Year Eight and Nine, but by Year Ten I had made some great friends who helped me to build my confidence and encouraged me to take the opportunity of being Head Girl... I am really glad to have them!
By Year Ten, I was already a student leader and I was then selected along with seven other girls from my year, to take part in interviews to become Head Girl. We were interviewed by a panel of other students and had to do a presentation to the Head Teacher and head of student leaders, about what we hoped to do in our time as Head Girl should we be selected. I'm not sure why I was chosen - the other girls who were interviewed are amazing, and four of them are now my deputies, which is great! I am really flattered to have been chosen. I think part of it could be that I am quite articulate, which I get from reading so much! I used to take part in the annual Kid's Lit quizzes, which were amazing, and a great way to make new friends.
My school is great at getting girls to achieve - the motto is 'Enjoy, Achieve, Aspire.' We're a girls' school and they try to show us as many career opportunities as possible and make sure we know we can achieve as much as any male could. Right now there is a lot of focus on STEM subjects - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths - as there is such a lack of women in those fields. It scares me to think that the girls in my classes who excel in these subjects may not get to use their skills just because those careers are so male-dominated.
Our school is strict on uniform. We had a new design four years ago which I like much better than the old version, although it's still green which is not the most popular choice alas! The school is strict where it needs to be, but most teachers are laid back unless the students push it. One of the things I have helped to set up this year is a 'Year Seven Zone' where year Sevens can come if they want someone to talk to. Me and my deputies go there so that they can ask us questions and talk to us about stuff, which is great. There is also a support staff of student leaders who run an agony aunt email service for girls with any issues.
It's strange to think the younger girls look up to me, but a friend told me I should appreciate this and do something good with it. It was good advice, and now I try to encourage and support everyone as much as I can, especially during speeches and assemblies which is where I can make the most impact.
Cathy says:
Wow... Amy's school sounds pretty awesome! Do YOU ever dream of being Head Girl? What changes would you make? COMMENT BELOW to have your say!
Amy says:
Back in Year Seven, I had no clue that one day I might be Head Girl. I was quite shy at that point, but I settled into secondary school quite well, even though I was the only person from my primary to go to that school. It was scary to start with, but there were lots of girls in the same situation as me. I had a few problems with friendships in Year Eight and Nine, but by Year Ten I had made some great friends who helped me to build my confidence and encouraged me to take the opportunity of being Head Girl... I am really glad to have them!
By Year Ten, I was already a student leader and I was then selected along with seven other girls from my year, to take part in interviews to become Head Girl. We were interviewed by a panel of other students and had to do a presentation to the Head Teacher and head of student leaders, about what we hoped to do in our time as Head Girl should we be selected. I'm not sure why I was chosen - the other girls who were interviewed are amazing, and four of them are now my deputies, which is great! I am really flattered to have been chosen. I think part of it could be that I am quite articulate, which I get from reading so much! I used to take part in the annual Kid's Lit quizzes, which were amazing, and a great way to make new friends.
My school is great at getting girls to achieve - the motto is 'Enjoy, Achieve, Aspire.' We're a girls' school and they try to show us as many career opportunities as possible and make sure we know we can achieve as much as any male could. Right now there is a lot of focus on STEM subjects - Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths - as there is such a lack of women in those fields. It scares me to think that the girls in my classes who excel in these subjects may not get to use their skills just because those careers are so male-dominated.

It's strange to think the younger girls look up to me, but a friend told me I should appreciate this and do something good with it. It was good advice, and now I try to encourage and support everyone as much as I can, especially during speeches and assemblies which is where I can make the most impact.
Cathy says:
Wow... Amy's school sounds pretty awesome! Do YOU ever dream of being Head Girl? What changes would you make? COMMENT BELOW to have your say!
I think it should be that instead of hat in the second to last paragraph
ReplyDeleteWell, right now I'm in year seven and Vice House Captain! I love being the leader of a hole house [Go Eagle] and since I've got 6...7 weeks till I'm a high schooler I'm so gonna run for head girl or deputy head or something like that! But instead of blabbing about me I won't to say WELL DONE to Amy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTry never having been in school XD