It's horoscope time, and Skye Tanberry has been hard at work... we're a little late this month, but take a look and see if her star-gazing rings true for YOU this month!
PISCES: Feb 19 - Mar 20
It’s time to shake off the winter blues, rub the sleep from your eyes and stretch into spring! Look out for yourself this month…you have a lot on your mind still so make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew!
ARIES: Mar 21 - Apr 20
Dream big this month, there is an answer waiting for you if you just look for it. Don't be afraid of shining bright…you will attract the right people to your flame. There is also a sprinkling of romance for you this month.
TAURUS: Apr 21 - May 20
It's time to get artistic with life’s simple pleasures! Try scrapbooking or origami…big rewards for little effort! In the spirit of simplicity, make sure to meditate on what makes you happy and make time for yourself.
GEMINI: May 21 - Jun 20
With every storm comes afresh start... let the cobwebs be blown away and start afresh. There is a big surprise waiting for you this month! Be it positive or negative, ride the storm…see where it takes you!!
CANCER: Jun 21 - Jul 21
Try to be less pessimistic this month…those who seem negative may be a blessing in disguise. Confused? Remember there is strength in helping others and taking people with you along the way can result in great happiness.
LEO: Jul 22 - Aug 21
Be aware of who you are at this moment in time, don't try to be who you used to be or thought you might be. Listen to your needs. Sometimes caring and loving others too much means you neglect your own happiness. Take time out for number one!
VIRGO: Aug 22 - Sept 21
Nestled in the corner of your mind are brilliant ideas waiting to be unleashed. Grab a pen or a pencil and test the waters… be it a song or a poem, there is something unfolding, just waiting to inspire those around you.
LIBRA: Sept 22 - Oct 22
You sometimes find it tricky to take on board criticism but a bit of humility is always good for the soul. Your clever streak can sometime make you hard on the outside - time to let others see your gooey, loveable inside every now and then!
SCORPIO: Oct 23 - Nov 21
In the spirit of fresh perspectives…why not get away for a while? Take a trip with a family member or best friend! There are things you’ve been neglecting over the winter which may need dusting off and focussing on with a fresh eye and a new input of energy.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov 22 - Dec 21
There is water in your soul which keeps you strong yet flexible. This is important to bear in mind when you are confronted with a tricky hurdle in a relationship! Someone close to you is having a hard time… try to see it from their point of view while still holding your own. Be strong!
CAPRICORN: Dec 22 - Jan 19
There’s a fire in your heart and this month is looking great for you!! With a whisper of sunshine around the bend, your spirits are high and there is no stopping you! Ride this wave of creativity and see where you end up, and remember to be brave - there is no failure in trying!
AQUARIUS: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Thoughtful, cool and clever, you seem to have it sussed but don’t take this feeling for granted. Things may be tricky this month - some friends may be a bit too much, pushing the boundaries a little. Take a step back and assess before taking direct action.
Cathy says:
Ooooh, lots of starry stuff here! Do Skye's predictions ring true for YOU this month? COMMENT BELOW to let us know!

It’s time to shake off the winter blues, rub the sleep from your eyes and stretch into spring! Look out for yourself this month…you have a lot on your mind still so make sure you don’t bite off more than you can chew!
ARIES: Mar 21 - Apr 20
Dream big this month, there is an answer waiting for you if you just look for it. Don't be afraid of shining bright…you will attract the right people to your flame. There is also a sprinkling of romance for you this month.
TAURUS: Apr 21 - May 20
It's time to get artistic with life’s simple pleasures! Try scrapbooking or origami…big rewards for little effort! In the spirit of simplicity, make sure to meditate on what makes you happy and make time for yourself.
GEMINI: May 21 - Jun 20
With every storm comes afresh start... let the cobwebs be blown away and start afresh. There is a big surprise waiting for you this month! Be it positive or negative, ride the storm…see where it takes you!!
CANCER: Jun 21 - Jul 21
Try to be less pessimistic this month…those who seem negative may be a blessing in disguise. Confused? Remember there is strength in helping others and taking people with you along the way can result in great happiness.
LEO: Jul 22 - Aug 21
Be aware of who you are at this moment in time, don't try to be who you used to be or thought you might be. Listen to your needs. Sometimes caring and loving others too much means you neglect your own happiness. Take time out for number one!
VIRGO: Aug 22 - Sept 21
Nestled in the corner of your mind are brilliant ideas waiting to be unleashed. Grab a pen or a pencil and test the waters… be it a song or a poem, there is something unfolding, just waiting to inspire those around you.
LIBRA: Sept 22 - Oct 22
You sometimes find it tricky to take on board criticism but a bit of humility is always good for the soul. Your clever streak can sometime make you hard on the outside - time to let others see your gooey, loveable inside every now and then!
SCORPIO: Oct 23 - Nov 21
In the spirit of fresh perspectives…why not get away for a while? Take a trip with a family member or best friend! There are things you’ve been neglecting over the winter which may need dusting off and focussing on with a fresh eye and a new input of energy.
SAGITTARIUS: Nov 22 - Dec 21
There is water in your soul which keeps you strong yet flexible. This is important to bear in mind when you are confronted with a tricky hurdle in a relationship! Someone close to you is having a hard time… try to see it from their point of view while still holding your own. Be strong!
CAPRICORN: Dec 22 - Jan 19
There’s a fire in your heart and this month is looking great for you!! With a whisper of sunshine around the bend, your spirits are high and there is no stopping you! Ride this wave of creativity and see where you end up, and remember to be brave - there is no failure in trying!
AQUARIUS: Jan 20 - Feb 18
Thoughtful, cool and clever, you seem to have it sussed but don’t take this feeling for granted. Things may be tricky this month - some friends may be a bit too much, pushing the boundaries a little. Take a step back and assess before taking direct action.
Cathy says:
Ooooh, lots of starry stuff here! Do Skye's predictions ring true for YOU this month? COMMENT BELOW to let us know!
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