Thursday 7 July 2016


More readers share their stories of how they started reading CC books... and why they're still hooked now!

Violet says:
The first CC book I read was borrowed from a primary school friend. It remains my favourite to to this day, almost ten years on, but at the time it was important to me because I was being bullied at school, just like Paul in the book. For the same reason too... I was 'too weird'. After reading DRIFTWOOD I decided to tell an adult rather than suffer as Paul had, so i told Mum and she told the teachers and they got the bullies to back off. Nobody should put up with bullying, and DRIFTWOOD helped me to see that. I still come back to it when I fancy a good read... after all, who doesn't love a book set in Scotland with beaches, stripy bicycles, cherryade and KITTENS!

Sophie says:
My first CC book was MARSHMALLOW SKYE and it is still my top favourite now. I then read the rest of the CHOCOLATE BOX series and Cathy's other books too. What's funny is that MARSHMALLOW SKYE is one book I still don't own... it was a library book and I still check it out of the library to read again over and over!

Katie says:
I was given my first CC book by a friend of my mum's, when I was stuck in hospital a while ago; it was DIZZY! At nine years old I started my Cathy Cassidy journey and I don't think I ever thanked Mum's friend enough for that! I loved the adventure and the family theme in DIZZY but the ending was the best... to a primary aged me, it seemed SO grown up. It was a work-in-progress kind of ending, not happily-ever-after quite yet, although it did end happily. You should have seen my face when the 'sort-of-sequel', LUCKY STAR came out!

Anna says:
The first CC book I ever read was also the first 'grown up' book I ever read, one with no pictures... I was choosing from the school library in Year 6, and the covers all seemed grim and gory, and then I found CHERRY CRUSH. I loved the cover - it looked like a homemade scrapbook, so creative, and the story was amazing. There was drama, romance, a misfit character who loved creative writing... oh, and chocolate! I read the rest of the series and then Cathy's other books - for a while they were the only books I wanted to read, but I read quite widely now. To this day, I am grateful to that book for opening up the world of stories and writing ideas to me!

Kiramae says:
GINGERSNAPS was the first CC book for me, and it instantly became my favourite book ever. I wasn't that keen on reading back then, but all that changed once I discovered CC! GINGERSNAPS is such a moving story and is still one of my favourite books!

Ella says:
COCO CARAMEL was the first CC book I read - like Coco, I am obsessed with horses so I could relate to that! I also have Coco's trait of trying to do things you shouldn't do, and relate to her feeling that older siblings don't take her seriously. Alas, I don't share her friendship with a moody, good-looking, mysterious boy who I meet on the moors and to help look after my ponies... oh well! I love this book because it helped me to discover a whole world of CC books.

Ciara says:
GINGERSNAPS was my first CC book and it meant so much to me. I had a best friend I was very jealous of at the time, and like Ginger I felt like I had some puppy fat, and I even fell for a boy who was quite different and stood out from the crowd. So the book was kind of perfect! It showed me how to be myself... and I still re-read it regularly.

Jasmine says:
SCARLETT was my first CC book - an audio book, actually, because I am dyslexic and have eye problems, and I struggled with reading at that point. I listened to the book with my sister and felt very cool discussing it and sharing the whole experience with my big sister. It was relateable as well... you could say Scarlett has challenging behaviour, and I do too! I fell in love with this book and have read it many times since!

Fab photos by book blogger Kym... thank you!

Cathy says:
Love these amazing stories... my readers are the BEST! How did YOU discover your first CC book? COMMENT BELOW to tell all!


  1. A very, very, very,very, long time ago. When I had spots instead of grey hair. A copy of Dizzy came with Mizz magazine. Not looked back since. <3 xxx

  2. Yay, Thanks for including mine.... STILL don't own Marshmallow Skye!! but I feel proud to be able to use the library instead. I love reading other peoples stories too, so interesting

  3. butterflyrainbow10 July 2016 at 17:43

    angel cake. my older sis was reading it at the time and i practically begged her to let me read it after her. i have read it many times since, along with all your other books. loved every one xx



Reader Emily, aged ten, explains how a Cathy Cassidy book inspired her to raise money for a refugee charity... Emily says: The Cathy Cassidy...