Sunday 15 January 2017


Skye Tanberry takes a look at what 2017 has in store for each star sign... will your long-term for the coming year predictions ring true?

Capricorn: 23 Dec - 20 Jan
Expect the unexpected - but in a good way! Work is going well and 2017 has the potential to be a transformative year for you. Life may not be plain sailing, but by the time the year closes you will have gained the strength and determination to conquer anything you put your mind to.

Aquarius: 21 Jan - 19 Feb
Adventure is on the cards for 2017, so if you're traveling or just exploring new ideas or skills closer to home, things are looking good. You are still battling old habits and ways of handling things that aren't always good for you, but this could be the year you break the pattern and ditch those old, unhelpful traits for good. Focus on your goals... you can get there!

Pisces: 20 Feb - 20 Mar
The good news is that you won't be quite as skint as usual in 2017, and school/ work progress is looking good too! It's not an easy year, however, and you may find it hard to may key decisions at times because it won't always be clear what's going on behind the scenes. April brings new clarity as you move forward towards your dreams, leaving an older phase of your life behind.

Aries: 21 Mar - 20 Apr
Friendship, romance and school connections are all looking bright this year, which helps to balance things as there may be one or two upheavals on the cards too. Family matters are well starred too, with past strains forgotten and new close links being forged. Beware of acting hastily in March, when a thoughtless action may backfire and lead to heartache.

Taurus: 21 Apr - 20 May
By summer, you will be on top form - looking good, feeling great and making real progress towards achieving one particular dream. By autumn, you will be able to see the path ahead much more clearly and new opportunities will come your way. An unexpected problem may threaten to derail things in the spring - don't ignore it, ask for help and you'll soon be back on track.

Gemini: 21 May - 20 Jun
This year, you'll get a lot of pleasure from the achievements of others - you always care deeply about those around you, and it's a relief to see them thriving. 2017 is not the easy year you have been craving, but you will move slowly forward towards your goals - and by the end of the year things will shift dramatically, making life a whole lot easier all round.

Cancer: 21 Jun - 22 Jul
Health, family and romance are all looking brilliant this year, and summer should see a real burst of energy and creativity which, if harnessed well, may change things in a big way for you. You're learning to see past the obvious and look at things in new ways, which is good news for imagination, innovation and breakthrough ideas.

Leo: 23 Jul - 22 Aug
There's a sense that fate is leading you this year - and big changes are scheduled for late summer, when domestic life turns upside-down, but in a good way! Any plans or projects started now are destined to work out well, and your communication skills will pave the way for new beginnings work or school wise, so be open to subjects and paths you may not have fully considered before.

Virgo: 23-Aug - 22 Sept
A romantic year ahead... which should make a welcome change from 2016! September is a great time for fresh starts, too. While things look rosy for you, someone in the family may be having a tougher time, and this will impact on your relationship with them. Put yourself in their shoes and try to understand how they're feeling.

Libra: 23 Sept - 23 Oct
This year is looking upbeat and positive, at least up until mid-October. Travel, adventure and social connections are all stacked in your favour, though romance may not be running quite as smoothly. Money may be in short supply, but fun definitely isn't, so make the most of this and strengthen friendships and family links. Any glitches can soon be ironed out by talking honestly about the issues.

Scorpio: 24 Oct - 22 Nov
You will start the year with hard work and solid slog to keep school work, friendships and family issues all ticking over, but by October everything changes and a time of plenty will unfold when all that hard work begins to pay off. This period of luck in love, work, money and friendships looks set to stay strong for at least a year, so enjoy!

Sagittarius: 23 Nov - 22 Dec
You've been feeling a bit hard done by, working hard while others laze about and enjoy the benefits but this is about to change. Summer will be full of adventure and fun and family matters will feel better than they have in a while. There are still some testing times to be endured along the way, but rewards are waiting too - keep going, it will all be worth it in the end!

Cathy says:
Hmmm... my long-term forecast isn't bad, but not quite as perfect as I'd have liked... story of my life! What are YOU looking forward to in 2017? COMMENT BELOW to have your say!


  1. im looking forward to making new friends and new experiences and maybe getting a proper job

  2. I am Scorpio It sounds good for me, I hope it comes true. this year I am looking forward to doing subjects I enjoy and being happier

  3. Oh my goodness! That is so creepy! Everything so far has been happening, yay!



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