Saturday 28 March 2015


Reader Ash has a message for all you dreamers… and it's an awesome one!

Ash says:
Where do I start? How about hello? There, now that's over with. My name's Ash and I'm fourteen and a particular fan of the Chocolate Box series which I've been reading for a while and have really gotten into, probably more than any other series of books. But enough about me… how are YOU feeling? What's the weather like where you are right now? Oh, silly question. It's dark now. Can you see the stars? From my house, you're lucky if you can see a single star in the sky. Lots of planes, though. Wishing on planes isn't the same though, is it? I've been told wishing isn't worth it, but to quote Kian from Scarlett, 'Wishing is for dreamers,' and I quite fancy myself as a bit of a dreamer.

I love to dream. Anything's possible when you're dreaming - the only limits are the ones you place on yourself. Even nightmares don't really bother me, even the ones that are full of never-ending darkness. I mean, without darkness, you can't see stars or fireworks, right? I love fireworks. I just love watching the colours as they explode into the air around me, falling back down to earth like fallen angels.I remember when I was younger I used to cower in fright because I thought they'd fall down on my head. I'm more mature now, but fireworks are a theme I like to reference in my stories.

I'm a novice at story-writing but I have time to perfect my skills, right? Though I suppose nobody's ever really perfect. That's the fun of it, surely? Improving and improving, coming up with a new piece that's even better than the last. My friends tell me I have a way with words, but I'm not sure if that's true. Others say I'm odd because I think about things in a different way - but hey, I take 'odd' as a compliment. I'd rather be the oddest person on earth and see the beauty and intrigue of everything, from fireworks in the night sky to the crashing of waves on the sand in Brighton or Brean, than not be odd and see beauty only in what's on TV or in a magazine. I'm not sure if I have a way with words, but I know I have a lot of them to say. And I know I'm a dreamer, and I am glad about that. To all of you dreamers out there… thanks for reading. Thanks for listening. Maybe strangers are the best listeners… they don't know too much about you, won't sugarcoat the truth the way your friends might. Keep on dreaming!

Cathy says:
Wow… I LOVE this! I think Ash DOES have a way with words… and I am all for dreaming, as you know! Are YOU a dreamer? COMMENT BELOW to have your say! 


  1. All I know is that Ash should most definitely become an author, as she has the best gift anyone could think of . . . a way with words!

  2. yes ash you should definitely become a writer! I love dreaming as well and I love writing. I discovered I could really write in year 5 when I wrote a simple piece about our camp and after reading the teachers comment my love for writing started at that very moment. And just this year we did poetry and suddenly I started writing poetry to. when I write, real life fades away and a whole new world takes its place.

  3. Wow, thanks for those comments, guys! I really appreciate it!

    - Ash xo



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